Spectacular Paris during the Expo of 1900 in color! [A.I. Enhanced & colorized]

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Published at : December 04, 2021

This has been a huge project for me, in particular because it is the third home made documentary with spoken commentary on my channel. Many hours have been spent searching for the best quality source material.
A lot of footage about the 1900 Exposition Universelle is dreadful in quality. Fortunately I did manage to eventually find footage in reasonable quality which was suitable to be further enhanced with the large amount of software tools that I now have at my disposal, complemented with 15 years of experience with film restoration. Some of the software is based on Artificial Intelligence, which has enabled quantum leaps with video restoration.

Just step inside my time machine and drift 121 years back in time when Paris was at its peak.
Hopefully you will appreciate the results.

Here is a great very high resolution overview picture of the Expo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6b/Vue_panoramique_de_l%27exposition_universelle_de_1900.jpg
For more details just listen to the spoken commentary in this documentary!

Source: Library of Congress, Prelinger Archive, Archive.org, Beeld & Geluid and other.
Music: Trevor Kowalski and others.
Commentary: Rick (me). Spectacular Paris during the Expo of 1900 in color! [A.I. Enhanced & colorized]