पेट भरकर सांस लो, जीवन जादू की तरह बदल जाएगा "Right Way Of Breathing In Yog Science

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Published at : January 16, 2023

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पेट भरकर सांस लो जीवन जादू की तरह बदल जाएगा "Right Way Of Breathing In Yog Science by We Inspired| सांस का रहस्य| श्वास का विज्ञान| Science of breath| A Motivational Story On Yogic breathing

This is the ancient Hindu story on yogic breathing and science of breath, in this story a sage is teaching to his student about the miracle of right breathing and deep breathing.
In this video you will also know about yogic breathing and what are the benifits of deep and yogic breathing. You will also know about the right breathing techniques in hindi. After full watching this video you will understand that deep breathing can change your life totaly and can make you free from all the body disease.

#weinspired #yogicbreathing #deepbreathing
#scienceofbreath #weinspire #ancientstory #helthtips #सांसकेरहस्य #सांस

Topic covered in this video
~ श्वास के रहस्य
~ श्वास का विज्ञान
~ deep breathing
~ right way of breathing
~ सांस लेने का सही तरीका
~ यौगिक प्रक्रिया
~ गहरी सांस लेने के फायदे
~ science of breath

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This video has no any negative impact.This video is also for teaching purposes.

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Music Credits:
Music Name : Eternity By Whitesand
https://youtu.be/X5c83Uixoj8 पेट भरकर सांस लो, जीवन जादू की तरह बदल जाएगा   "Right Way Of Breathing In Yog Science
we inspirewe Inspiredscience of breath