Un-take the Black Pill

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Published at : July 20, 2022

You don’t have to feel hopeless and doomed about everything, there is hope, and Healthy Gamer Group Coaching can help you do that. Groups can help you understand why you feel hopeless and how to alter your actions to live a life of hope. Take back control of your life today! https://bit.ly/3aAjSYN

Find us on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and more here: https://wlo.link/@healthygamer

▼ Timestamps ▼

00:00 - Disclaimer
00:09 - Reddit Post
01:52 - Introduction
03:03 - Echo chambers
04:57 - Belief
07:05 - Emotional Processing
13:38 - Why is "just" hard
18:40 - Becoming aware of the emotion
22:50 - Alter your behaviour
24:22 - Reintegration and reconceptualisation
28:54 - Conclusion



Healthy Gamer is an online community and resource platform for gamers and their families. It does not provided medical services or professional counseling, and it is not a substitute for professional medical care. Our coaches are peer supporters, not professionally trained experts, and they cannot provide medical service. If you or a loved on are experiencing an emergency, please call your nation's emergency telephone number.

All guests of Healthy Gamer are informed of the public, non-medical nature of the content and have expressly agreed to share their story. Un-take the Black Pill
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