10 Weirdest Celebrity-Endorsed Video Games

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Published at : February 15, 2022

As Gilderoy Lockheart once said, “Celebrity is as Celebrity does.” We have no idea what that
means, but Lockheart was indeed a celebrity and was also a bit looney, so it's perhaps no surprise that when a celebrity decides to put their name to a video game, the game itself turns out to be a bit looney too. With titles endorsed by bands such as Queen and Kiss, or stars of the screen like David Hasselhoff and Jamie Oliver, there's no shortage of strangeness here, so let's take a look at the 10 Weirdest Celebrity-Endorsed Video Games!

VO: Peter Austin (@ThatPeterAustin)
Script: Jacob Simmons (@Jacob_Writes)
Video Editor: Liam Carroll (IG: ThatGeordieLiam)

#Queen #Kiss #DavidHasselhoff


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Acast: https://play.acast.com/s/triplejump 10 Weirdest Celebrity-Endorsed Video Games
kiss psycho circuskiss psycho circus the nightmare childqueen the eye