TOURNAMENT TIME! | Inconceivable vs EUnited | Top 8 | NA HCS Qualifier #2
Published at : December 04, 2021
Raleigh seeding qualifier #2 came and went this last weekend, and unfortunately, we didn't win. We ended up losing a close 2-0 to Cloud 9 (2-1 CTF, 50-47 Slayer) in the winners bracket, then made it to top 8 vs EUnited in lower bracket, and lost a close 2-1 series. Although we didn't win, we're figuring out what we need to so that we'll be ready when it matters.
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#HaloInfinite #HCS #Raleigh #Snip3down #Qualifier2 #Major
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#HaloInfinite #HCS #Raleigh #Snip3down #Qualifier2 #Major

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