‼️Don’t miss this Lion fight.. a multitude of male lion behaviours in one video‼️

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Published at : December 22, 2021

Lion Introduction Update..
‼️Don’t miss this Lion fight.. a multitude of male lion behaviours in one video‼️
Exciting happenings at gg lion sanctuary last week when we introduced Boy & Bright Eyes to the 3 lionesses next door Lilla, Tamarind & Thuleli to create a new pride.
A week on there are no romantic unions between them just yet.. the girls are still cautious and sticking together, whilst the boys are still busy strutting their stuff and asserting their dominance at the new male neighbour Coda.
It’s been beautiful to see this male coalition joining forces against another male lion, which is one of their primary purposes in the wild.
We strive to give the lions in our care as authentic a life as possible in sanctuary.
No need to worry about Coda though.. as we are a lion sanctuary and not the wild there is an electric fence between them and all are safe from properly harming each other. Electric fencing for predators in captivity is a legal requirement in South Africa so the electric wires protect the neighbours from doing any real damage to each other.
Lion fighting is truly what males are all about & make them tick, and it’s wonderful to see the energy a fight ignites in them, wild instincts that are never lost regardless of their circumstances.
One of the lionesses went to see what was going on but decided to leave them to it.. and turned around without a back ward glance 😂
King Boy is the dominant male of the coalition but it’s great to see Bright Eyes backing him up against the neighbour/enemy, and the confidence that fighting exudes in them, then the roars that trigger more from all the GG lions.
Of course it all ends quite quickly with a very dramatic flop & victory roll!!
Long live the lion species, they are truly remarkable animals. ❤️🦁♌️ ‼️Don’t miss this Lion fight.. a multitude of male lion behaviours in one video‼️