Using Kujira to Buy Discounted LUNA

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Published at : November 23, 2021

The new Kujira Protocol on LUNA allows you to submit bids to buy liquidated LUNA at a discount.

You can see where others' bids are when deciding how deep of a discount you want. Hutch actually had an order filled shortly after Kujira launched. So in this video he walks you through how use Kujira, how to lower your withdrawal fees, and how to calculate the true cost as well as what price range you get your discounted LUNA order filled at.

Click any of the chapters below to skip around:
0:00 - Why use Kujira if you want cheap LUNA
1:19 - How Kujira bidding works
3:43 - Calculating the true cost of Hutch's order
7:51 - How Anchor Protocol ties in (Liquidations & Opportunity Cost)
11:30 - Swapping for $KUJI token to lower fees
13:45 - How to placing & activate a bid on Kujira (2-Steps)
18:12 - Unpacking all the math & fees to find the value
21:08 - Other factors to consider & lingering questions


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Kujira Orca to bid for discounted $LUNA:

Kujira Blue to swap UST for the $KUJI token to lower your fees on Kujira:
(This is also where $KUJI-UST farming happens)

Send LUNA price alerts via text, email, or phone call:

Direct link to buy a Ledger Nano X (or S) directly from Ledger:
(note: Hutch owns the X for added functionality, but the S has the same level of security. Only ever buy direct from Ledger as there have been scams when people buy from 3rd parties and the private keys have already been revealed to others. This link earns Hutch a small commission in BTC without you paying more.)

Direct link to sign up for Coinbase Pro:
(note: Hutch currently uses Coinbase Pro as his main crypto onramp since it has low transparent commissions, a wide array of established token, and low withdrawal fees. This link earns both you and Hutch $10 in BTC for signing up.)

Hutch's video on bridging wrapped-LUNA from Coinbase Pro onto the Terra Station:


Donation addresses if you found this valuable. Anything is greatly appreciated. WAGMI
LUNA: terra122zedus5fphvamwglx2hpwqjx5pe8d4cyey95d
ETH: 0x578D30A6dD807a34daB79f238fa3302D3754f153


Disclosure: At the time of filming Hutch owns all tokens mentioned in the video, but nothing should be construed as investment advice (NFA) and your must always do your own research (DYOR). By watching you assume all responsibility for your own financial decisions.

Do Kwan (founder of Terra Labs) on why he started Terra Luna: Using Kujira to Buy Discounted LUNA