Marco Rubio Hammered By Opponent For Repeatedly Skipping Work

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Published at : November 16, 2021

Republican Senator Marco Rubio is facing stiff competition for his senate seat in next year's midterm elections, and his opponent is beating him up for being an absentee senator. This has actually been a major attack against Rubio for over half a decade, and it significantly hurt him during his presidential bid in 2016. But he's skipped 14 hearings in the past few months, and he's going to have to answer for that, as Farron Cousins explains.

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Republican Senator Marco Rubio has made it clear over the years that he doesn't like his job, right. He's not happy with it. He's admitted that doesn't like what he does, you know? Ooh. You know, who would want to spend several days a week in DC getting paid $174,000 a year to basically do nothing? Oh, it must be terrible for poor little Marco. Well now Marco Rubio's Senate opponent for the seat that is up next year, 2022. Mid-terms Democrat by the name of Val Demings is seizing on Marco Rubio's refusal to go to work at is making that one of the centerpieces for her campaign. She recently hammered little Marco for missing 14 Senate hearings in just the last two months, 14 meetings with committees that he is sitting on. And he just said, Nope, not going to do it. And of course his excuse is that we'll listen.

You know, there's a lot of Republicans that are doing this cause its hearings about Biden's nominees and we're not going to confirm any of them. So we're just not even going to go to the meetings. Cool. Listen, Marco, I have sat through many meetings over the years that had nothing to do with me that were four things I disagreed with, but because it was literally part of my job description to go and attend these meetings. I went, I didn't like it. I wasn't happy with it. I spent a lot of the time texting people. I'm not going to lie, but I still went because my job depended on it. I didn't get to skip 14 different meetings in the span of two months and still keep my job. But it's not just the last two months. That is a problem for Marco Rubio. He was basically called the absentee Senator when he ran for president in 2016, which technically was 2015 because that's when the primaries or the debates and all that began.

And once Rubio lost the state of Florida in 2016, he immediately filed for reelection to run for Senate. Even though he said he wasn't going to do it, but he was hammered by his Republican opponents on that debate stage back in 2015 for literally just never showing up to work. Here's the numbers. This is crazy. A re a review by the Tampa bay times in early 2016, spurred by criticism for president arrival, Jeb Bush found Rubio had missed 68% of his committee hearings, including 80% of commerce hearings and 85% of the small business committee hearings. The guy just doesn't show up to work. Marco Rubio. In addition to, as I call him the stupidest person in the us Senate today, he's also apparently the laziest just doesn't want to show up that, that that not, that's not how this works. Marco. I don't care if y'all are boycotting Biden's nominees. You've been boycotting your actual job for years now. You can't use that as an excuse. We have the data, we have the numbers, and of course you've been busted for this many times in the past. So I hope Val Demings continues this political assault on Marco Rubio, who by all measures, in my opinion, is absolutely unfit to be holding this Senate seat that he has held onto for far too long. At this point, the guy is absolute trash as a Senator.

And the worst part is he doesn't even show up to work. And that's what Florida voters need to remember. I don't care if you're Republican or Democrat or independent or anything else. If you're in the state of Florida, are you really going to vote for somebody that just doesn't show up to work? If you were running a business, would you hire somebody that says, Hey, listen, I'm probably gonna miss about 85% of my work here. You would say, cool. Get the hell out of my office. Get out of my building, get out of my store, get out of my restaurant, get out of whatever it is. You wouldn't continue entertaining hiring this person who doesn't show up. So why the hell would you do that? Why the hell would you pick a Senator who doesn't even show up to work. Marco Rubio Hammered By Opponent For Repeatedly Skipping Work
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