How Cannabis Oil Can Affect the Potency of Prescription Drugs | Treating Dog Cancer w/ Cannabis Oil
Published at : November 21, 2021
In this video, Jesse from the Healing Project OC discusses how Cannabis Oil can affect the potency of prescription drugs.
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/PwYy_vdg1Sc
Your vet may have prescribed a drug for your dog with cancer and you are worried about mixing cannabis oil with the prescribed drugs. While most drugs do not interact negatively with cannabis, Jesse talks about how there are some that may increase or decrease the effectiveness of the drug when taken with cannabis oil. This is sometimes known as The Grapefruit Effect, as it is something commonly seen when mixing certain human drugs with grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
While we would love to suggest that you speak with your vet before mixing cannabis oil and prescription drugs, veterinarians are legally not allowed to discuss cannabis and many have not even learned about the endocannabinoid system as it is a fairly new discovery.
As Jesse mentions, this is something that is a personal choice, however the Healing Project's goal is to get your dog off prescription drugs and use cannabis oil instead to get your dog's system into a state of homeostasis or balance, thereby making the drugs unnecessary. Jesse will walk you through easing off the prescriptions while increasing the cannabis oil dosage until your dog has safely weaned off the unneeded prescription drugs.
For more information about The Healing Project OC or to book a free consultation with us to discuss how to heal your pet or loved one using cannabis oil, check out our website https://www.healing-project.info
Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/HealingProjectOC
Or join our Facebook group to get support from hundreds of other dog owners going through the same journey, healing their dogs with cannabis oil https://www.facebook.com/groups/1178223209033624
#dogcancer #caninecancer #dogcancercbd #mixingcannabisandprescriptiondrugs #caninetumor #dogtumor #dogbraintumor #dogcancerprescription #drugsfordogwithcancer #treatingdogcancer #usingcannabisforcancer #howtotreatdogcancer #medicalmarijuana #medicalcannabis #medicalcannabisfordogs
Disclaimer: Information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/PwYy_vdg1Sc
Your vet may have prescribed a drug for your dog with cancer and you are worried about mixing cannabis oil with the prescribed drugs. While most drugs do not interact negatively with cannabis, Jesse talks about how there are some that may increase or decrease the effectiveness of the drug when taken with cannabis oil. This is sometimes known as The Grapefruit Effect, as it is something commonly seen when mixing certain human drugs with grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
While we would love to suggest that you speak with your vet before mixing cannabis oil and prescription drugs, veterinarians are legally not allowed to discuss cannabis and many have not even learned about the endocannabinoid system as it is a fairly new discovery.
As Jesse mentions, this is something that is a personal choice, however the Healing Project's goal is to get your dog off prescription drugs and use cannabis oil instead to get your dog's system into a state of homeostasis or balance, thereby making the drugs unnecessary. Jesse will walk you through easing off the prescriptions while increasing the cannabis oil dosage until your dog has safely weaned off the unneeded prescription drugs.
For more information about The Healing Project OC or to book a free consultation with us to discuss how to heal your pet or loved one using cannabis oil, check out our website https://www.healing-project.info
Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/HealingProjectOC
Or join our Facebook group to get support from hundreds of other dog owners going through the same journey, healing their dogs with cannabis oil https://www.facebook.com/groups/1178223209033624
#dogcancer #caninecancer #dogcancercbd #mixingcannabisandprescriptiondrugs #caninetumor #dogtumor #dogbraintumor #dogcancerprescription #drugsfordogwithcancer #treatingdogcancer #usingcannabisforcancer #howtotreatdogcancer #medicalmarijuana #medicalcannabis #medicalcannabisfordogs
Disclaimer: Information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.
