Upper Class Muslims and Lower Class Muslims | Arfa Khanum Sherwani vs Fayaz Ahmad Fyzie

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Published at : October 04, 2021

Fayaz Ahmad Fyzie scored big in a debate where Arfa Khanum Sherwani and Faizan Mustafa were present. However, instead of giving counters to the sharp arguments of Fayaz, they chose to ran away, because Fayaz completely busted their victim card. Fayaz established the narrative of 'Minorities means Muslims, and Muslims means Ashraf' to the hilt. Sanjay Dixit catches up with him to get a ringside view.

#IndianMuslims #ArfaKhanumSherwani #Islam #JaipurDailoges

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arfa khanumfaiyaz ahmad fyziepasmanda muslim movement