r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Demands I SERVE Her Since I'm Military!

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Published at : October 24, 2021

r/idontworkherelady - OP is grocery shopping after work one day, when he is approached by an Entitled Karen who demands she fetch his groceries! When he tells her he doesn't work at the store, Karen acts out!

👱🏼‍♀️ One of my favorite Entitled People stories! [Karen Tries to Pull Off a Customer's Face Mask! Gets Taught a Lesson]

Stories in this episode of Reddit I Don't Work Here Lady:

0:00 - Intro
0:21 - Story 1 (u/Artilleryman08)
5:07 - Story 2 (u/armyboi334)
8:13 - Story 3 (u/[deleted])
12:39 - Story 4 (u/JoeSaotome)

✉️Submit your stories to: Darkfluffofficial(at)Gmail.com
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#karenstories #funnykarenstories #idontworkhereladystories r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Demands I SERVE Her Since I'm Military!
reddit IDWHLr/idontworkhereladyreddit i dont work here lady